
Article archive

04/27/2070 10:23


Subject: Lattman, Gizelle. Female, Elf, Age 34. Awakened (Manafestations in analytical abilities, Hermetic) Background: Born to middle-income parrents in the Safe Zones of Chicago in the UCAS, Gizelle Awakened at puberty, developing her abilities via her insatiable curiosity and the true nature of...
04/27/2070 09:00

High Demand For AIPS Awareness Seminar

New Seattle Intelligencer [NN] SEATTLE, UCAS: Responding to growing demand from the families of those affected with Artificially Induced Psychotropic Schitzophrenia (AIPS), the Washington University of Seattle will be offering an AIPS Awareness Seminar again this year. "Since last years seminar,...
04/26/2070 19:11


Revenant Real Name: Opal Borges Date of Birth: January 2, 2049 Birthplace: San Francisco, CFS Nationality: Caucasian/Japanese American Metatype: SURGE Human Gender: Female Current Residence: Operates via Matrix. Physical     location a closely guarded secret Height: ?? Weight:...
04/23/2070 18:53


AIPS [abbrev.]: Artificially Induced Psychotropic Schizophrenia Syndrome, one of several common psychological disorders detected among survivors of the Matrix Crash of 2064, shares pathologies with Post-Traumatic Stress disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Gordon's Syndrome.
04/08/2070 17:57

Willing to Trade

I've got a bit of swag from the last couple of jobs, and I'm willing to trade it away for cash or goods. A few cars, a few crates of guns, a load of ammo, and a few foci. If anybody would care to take a look or trade, I'm in the market for Pilot Programs (Top-end only), false SINs and liscences,...
04/08/2070 17:41


Fletcher Real Name: Alan Rosenthal Date of Birth: July 12, 2050 Birthplace: Sinserach, Tir Tairngire Nationality: Caucasian Metatype: Elf Gender: Male Current Residence: Seattle Height: 2.1m Weight: 60.2 kg Hair: Brown Eyes: Hazel Distinguishing Physical Features: Handsome, affects extreme...
04/08/2070 17:36

Looking for New Wheels

The Ocatagon is looking for a new ride, as the old baby is reaching the end of her line. Anybody in Seattle got a line of some good deals on wheels? We've got cash, goods and credit enough to buy a T-Bird, but we'll take a look at anything designed for carrying cargo quick across rough terrain....
03/23/2070 14:32

NeoNET Expands Wifi R&D

Associated Press CAERLEON, Scotland: NeoNET's director of R&D, the great dragon Celedyr, announced plans to expand NeoNET's "wireless communication technologies sector" as a strategic goal towards securing the corporation's pole position in the burgeoning field of wifi consumer...
03/13/2070 11:42

Student Expelled For Matrix Pranks

The Times-Picayune BATON ROUGE, CAS: Serial prankster twelve-year-old Lou Henry MOrgan was expelled from Broadmoor Middle Schoolearlier this week following repeated interferrence with the school's AR devices and equipment. The teachers colloquium announced their decision after a closed-door...
03/08/2070 16:51


Tango Real Name: Steven L. Boothe Date of Birth: May 20, 2040 Birthplace: Newport, Virginia, UCAS Nationality: Caucasian Metatype: Human Gender: Male Current Residence: International Operations Height: 2m Weight: 70 kg Hair: Blonde Eyes: Gray Distinguishing Physical Features: The Aryan dream,...

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